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Monday, February 22, 2010

My much thought after step..........

Hi friends,

You all must be wondering as to why this title and that to so late?...Actually this is my third post in my blog and now I have gathered the courage to introduce myself to all of you.

I am a mix of an Arian (Moon sign) and a Taurian ( Hindu Birth sign) with some traits of a Virgo(Sun sign).So i am straight forward and stubborn like the ram , little lazy to start anything new and unconventional , like the bull and ofcourse emotional and perfectionist like the virgin lady. But I find it difficult to express my feelings often.....hence reserved too....My brother , a regular blogger , suggested me to join this community so that I have a better space and better people to express my thoughts....So i'm here...much after debating to join or not.

I have always enjoyed reading books and articles on almost anything...starting from nature , children , movies , autobiographies etc...not so much in politics though....but this is my first attemt to speak up , rather blog up on my views and my thoughts... And now that I have joined , I would like to express my thoughts to all of you....with a hope to recieve right feedbacks on my articles. Can't promise though how often will I be able to blogg , looking into my work schedules...But I promise I'll try to be regular in expressing my thoughts.

Thanks a tonne for all your encouragements,

Love . ..Piyali

Friday, February 19, 2010

What is in a Name...

What goes wrong in a relationship is often hard to define. Couples swearing to the core of their hearts to remain loyal and truthful and also to support each other in hard times , suddenly become the enemies of life.....Even they forget the intimate moments they have spend with each other....It is not only hard but also difficult for both the husband as well as the wife. 

But I feel the children out of these wedlocks suffer the most....specially if the child's custody has been given to the mother.....Unfortunately decision making authorities of India have often ignored this issue.

Today in a daily newspaper a journalist has reported that the Mumbai High court has ruled that divorced women cannot use their ex - husband's name...Since there is a chance of misusing it....but how come the noble authority has not ruled anything for the children out of such wedlock....

"What is the name of your father ?" often a child is asked this question. Not only that , he or she is asked to use father's surname as his also.... In such a case should the mother use her maiden surname only? I think the High court should specify this also along with this ruling.....

What do you say?....

Monday, February 15, 2010

SkybellArts @ Blogger: Half February#links#links

Terror attacks.....

I wonder what has happened to our lives .....
Ever seen the beautiful blue sky and the flock of birds wading through the clouds?
Or even the lovely flowers of various shades blossoming in the first ray of sunshine?
Or may be the innocent smile of a child , unconcerned and uninformed of the surroundings?

Perhaps the adult race in India has forgotten to see life in these perspectives. Thanks to the recent and most regular games of death surrounding us. Infact the recent blast in Pune has brought the fear of death again in our minds.We had not even come over the 26/11 that we are again made to feel so insecure.I hate this feeling of 'INSECURITY' and wonder when can we be free from this deadly evil.

The other day I had read in the news paper that the terrorist group behind these suicides, often plan their attacks either on the 13th or on the 26th .Thanks to the Investigations made by the Investigation Bureu, at least now you know when to plan your outings.....of course the rest of the days you go out at your own risks...

I sincerely feel for all those who have lost their lives in all these deadlist blasts, and my heart goes to the family members...I wish noble thoughts prevail in the minds of these terrorists and even they also feel the lovely nature in the way way we want to feel...
