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Monday, February 15, 2010

Terror attacks.....

I wonder what has happened to our lives .....
Ever seen the beautiful blue sky and the flock of birds wading through the clouds?
Or even the lovely flowers of various shades blossoming in the first ray of sunshine?
Or may be the innocent smile of a child , unconcerned and uninformed of the surroundings?

Perhaps the adult race in India has forgotten to see life in these perspectives. Thanks to the recent and most regular games of death surrounding us. Infact the recent blast in Pune has brought the fear of death again in our minds.We had not even come over the 26/11 that we are again made to feel so insecure.I hate this feeling of 'INSECURITY' and wonder when can we be free from this deadly evil.

The other day I had read in the news paper that the terrorist group behind these suicides, often plan their attacks either on the 13th or on the 26th .Thanks to the Investigations made by the Investigation Bureu, at least now you know when to plan your outings.....of course the rest of the days you go out at your own risks...

I sincerely feel for all those who have lost their lives in all these deadlist blasts, and my heart goes to the family members...I wish noble thoughts prevail in the minds of these terrorists and even they also feel the lovely nature in the way way we want to feel...



  1. I am amazed by those jihadis,whose only objective is to kill people. They are killing machines......

  2. exactly....wonder how long will they continue the massacres....

  3. Welcome to the blogging world di...impressive start..keep blogging :)
